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dotOS v2.3.1 Release


Newly supported official devices:

  1. condor
  2. rolex
  3. gemini
  4. oxygen

Changelogs as per 16th June 2018 :-

  • Fixed encryption issues
  • Fixed animation glitch in Android P qs panel
  • Integrated Statistics - to track installs
  • Redesigned data on/off icon
  • Misc fixes in notification bar

So what's going on:

"This is to help you understand what information we collect the data from our users , why we collect it, and where you can see the data, we collect personally un-identifiable information such as the unique anonymous ID of the device (this ID changes when the is device factory resetted), device name, device model, country, carrier. We collect this information as to be able to keep track how many users are installing and using our Open Source Custom Firmware, and to provide better support in the future, this data is safe to collect and there is no need to worry about it. You can see the stats here in our website : dotOS Stats or can see through the Stats application inside the rom"

"YOU ARE SAFE" - NO NEED TO WORRY. We aint stealing ya Kat pics :p - Modern Azor Ahai